This luxurious arrangement centers around a magnificent large Cymbidium orchid, accompanied by two graceful Calla lilies. Each element is carefully chosen to celebrate the season's beauty with an air of exclusivity and charm. Perfect as a captivating centerpiece or a distinguished gift, "Orchid Elegance" embodies the perfect blend of luxury and natural beauty for your most memorable moments this May. *Orders going outside the Washington DC area will be shipped overnight.
This luxurious arrangement centers around a magnificent large Cymbidium orchid, accompanied by two graceful Calla lilies. Each element is carefully chosen to celebrate the season's beauty with an air of exclusivity and charm. Perfect as a captivating centerpiece or a distinguished gift, "Orchid Elegance" embodies the perfect blend of luxury and natural beauty for your most memorable moments this May. *Orders going outside the Washington DC area will be shipped overnight.
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Our Arrangements Are Picture Perfect
All of our farm-fresh arrangements are delivered the way you see them, guaranteed.